Collin: 맞아…
Mom: 얼른 청소해라!
Nathan: 예.
Beth: Jesse, 나는 잘래.
Jesse: 왜.
Beth: 피곤해.
Jesse: 알았어. 나중에 곤란해지면 나를 탓하지마!
Beth: 안 그럴게.
Mom: Beth.
Beth: 예?
Mom: 어디 있니?!
Beth: 내 방에요.
Mom: 왜?
Beth: 자고 있어요!
Mom: 일어나서 청소해라!
Beth: 뭐라고요!
Mom: 내말 들었지.
Beth: 알았어요.

Hurry up and get cleaning!
I’m going to go sleep, Jesse.
I’m tired.
Ok, but don’t blame me if you get in trouble!
I won’t.
Where are you?!
In my room.
I’m sleeping!
Get up and clean!
You heard me.

지난호 다시 보기

Nathan: Dad! Are you coming?
Dad: Yes, I am.
Nathan: 1, 2, 3! Heave! That was hard.
Dad: If you do these a lot, you’ll get stronger.
Nathan: Ok. Dad, I need help with this one.
Dad: Ok. 1, 2, 3 heave!
Nathan: That seemed easier than the first one.
Dad: Nathan, this one’s heavier.
Nathan: Does that mean that I already got stronger?
Dad: Not necessarily. You need to do a lot of weight training, then you’ll get stronger.
Nathan: Good point…
Beth: Collin!
Collin: Yeah?
Beth: Take the vacuum!
Collin: I thought you were using it!
Jesse: Not anymore!
Collin: Ok.
Jesse: The vacuum can’t fit through the narrow passage!

get cleaning: 청소하다 blame: 탓하다 get in trouble: 곤경에 처하다 I won't (will not)~: ~하지 않다 go sleep: 가서 자다 hear: 듣다


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