Gillian: 그럼, 너는 아주 못났어.
Jenna: 아빠한테 네가 장난감 놀이를 같이 안하고, 나를 못생겼다고 말했다고 일를거야.
Gillian: 그래, 장난감을 같이 놀게.
Jenna: 난 저 유니콘 갖고 싶어. 안그러면 아빠한테 말할거야.
Gillian: 좋아. 그렇지만 네가 망가트리면, 너하고 다시는 같이 안 놀거야.
Max: 목욕할 시간이다. 엄마가 못보게 숨자.
Emmy: 어디 숨을까?
Max: 침대 밑에 어때?
Emmy: 그렇지만 침대 밑에 있는 우리를 항상 찾아내잖아.
Max: 알아. 그럼 내 옷장에 숨는거 어때?
Emmy: 그거 아주 좋은 생각이다. 엄마는 절대로 거기를 들여다보지는 않을거야.
Max: 그렇지만 엄마가 우리 소리를 듣지 못하게 진짜진짜 조용해야돼.
Emmy: 그래도 웃을 수는 있을까?
Max: 안돼. 이 멍청한 거위야. 네가 웃으면 엄마가 듣잖아.

And you are ugly.
I'm going to go tell dad that you won't share and called me ugly.
Okay, I'll share with you.
I want the unicorn. Or I'm telling dad.
Fine. But if you break it, I am never sharing again.
It's time for a bath. Let's go hide from mom.
Where should we hide?
How about under her bed?
But she always finds us there.
I know. How about we hide in my closet?
That's a great idea. She'll never look there.
But we have to be really, really quiet so she doesn't hear us.
Can I still laugh?
No, you silly goose. If you laugh she'll hear us.


Jeff: Alright. Come downstairs afterwards.
Sam: Where is mom?
Jeff: Work.
Sam: Oh yeah. I forgot about that.
Jeff: I'm going to go wash now, ok?
Sam: Ok, I'll be down in a few minutes.
Jeff: You had better be.
Sam: No worries.
 (After breakfast)
Jeff: Ready? Is your backpack packed?
Sam: Hold on. Let me go get my books.
Jeff: I'll be walking to the bus stop, ok?
Sam: Ok, I'll catch you in a little bit.
Jeff: Got it.
Jenna: Will you share one of your ponies with me?
Gillian: No way. You always break my toys.
Jenna: But I really love ponies and I promise to be careful.
Gillian: Go get one of your own toys.
Jenna: I want to play with your ponies. But you are mean.


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