Emmy: 그럼 우리가 숨어있을때 웃기는 표정을 지으면 안돼.
Max: 너는 웃기는 소리를 내면 안돼.
Emmy: 약속. 빨리가서 숨자.
Jen: JT 지금 방청소 해야돼.
J.T.: 난 청소하기 싫어. 컴퓨터 갖고 놀고싶어.
Jen: 그렇지만 엄마는 우리가 청소를 안하면 디저트가 없다고 하셨어.
J.T.: Jen 네가 좀 청소를 하지 그래. 그러면 참 좋을거야.
Jen: 나 혼자서 하고 싶지는 않아.
J.T.: 그렇지만 그게 전부 네 장난감이야.
Jen: 다는 아냐. 이건 네 책이고 네 말이야.
J.T.: 그럼, 그것들은 내 방에 둬.
Jen: 그래도 내가 다하는 것이 되잖아.
J.T.: 내가 게임하면서 네것도 하고, 네 점수를 더 받아주면 어때?
Jen: 좋아. 그럼 이것들은 네방에 갖다놓을거야.
J.T.: 고마워, 일어선 김에 골드피시 몇 개 좀 줄 수 있겠니?
Jen: 그건 잔뜩 지저분하게 만들어. 네가 갖다 먹어.

Then you can't make any funny faces when we hide.
Then you can't make any funny noises either.
Deal. We better go hide now.
J.T. We have to clean up our room now.
I don't want to clean up. I want to play on my computer.
But mom said we get no dessert if we don't clean up.
Why don't you clean up Jen. That would be really nice.
I don't want to do it myself.
But those are all your toys.
No they aren't. This is your book and your horse.
Well, just put them in my room then.
That still means I do all the work.
How about I play your part of the game and get you more points?
Okay. I will put these in your room then.
Thanks. Can you get me some goldfish while you are up?
Those make a big mess. You get them yourself.


Gillian: And you are ugly.
Jenna: I'm going to go tell dad that you won't share and called me ugly.
Gillian: Okay, I'll share with you.
Jenna: I want the unicorn. Or I'm telling dad.
Gillian: Fine. But if you break it, I am never sharing again.
Max: It's time for a bath. Let's go hide from mom.
Emmy: Where should we hide?
Max: How about under her bed?
Emmy: But she always finds us there.
Max: I know. How about we hide in my closet?
Emmy: That's a great idea. She'll never look there.
Max: But we have to be really, really quiet so she doesn't hear us.
Emmy: Can I still laugh?
Max: No, you silly goose. If you laugh she'll hear us.


듣기 요령

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