완곡어구(Euphoric Euphemisms)란 말 그대로 심각한 상황을 조금더 완곡하게 표현하는 것을 말합니다. 예를 들어 죽는다는 것은 시간의 차이가 있을 뿐, 누구나 피할 수 없는 일입니다. 그러나‘die’라는 표현 대신 때로는 유머러스한 표현을 포함해 여러가지 다양한 완곡어구를 사용함으로써 죽음이라는 표현을 조금 더 다른 느낌으로 표현할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어보겠습니다. 문장 뒤에 :) 라는 표시가 있으면 재미있는 표현이지만, 만약 듣는 사람이 기분 나쁠 수가 있다면 사용을 삼가해야 합니다. 반대로 :( 라는 표시는 매우 정중한 표현으로 누군가의 죽음 앞에서 슬퍼하는 사람에게 사용할 수 있는 표현입니다.

? Kick the bucket. “My father was 80 when he kicked the bucket last year.” :)
?  Bought the farm. “I told John to skydive with a good parachute, but no, he didn’t listen, and he bought the farm because of it!” :)
? Took a dirt nap. “John’s taking a dirt nap now.” :)
? Became life challenged. “John became life challenged.” :)
? Went belly up. “John and his business went belly up when he died.” :)
? Checked out. “John’s checked out of the life hotel now.” :)
? Was bumped off. “Johnny Tapia was bumped off during the last episode of The Sopranos.” :) (이 표현은 누군가 살해당했을 때 사용할 수 있습니다.)
? Cashed in the chips. “John cashed in his chips.” :)
? Sprouted wings. “John sprouted wings last fall.” :)
? Wacked. “The Godfather had a lot of people wacked.” :) (again, usually used with a mafia/mob connection to killing)
? Crossed the River Styx. “His grandma crossed the River Styx in December.” :)
? Is at room temperature. “I’m so glad John’s at room temperature now. He worked so hard, maybe now he can get some rest.” :)
? Shuffled off the mortal coil. “John shuffled off the mortal coil that morning he went skydiving.” :)
? Living impaired. “John’s now living impaired.” :)
? No longer with us. “My grandfather is no longer with us. God rest his soul.” :(
? Passed away. “My grandfather passed away this year. I really miss him.” :(

자료제공:  1대1 영어 과외 온라인 영어학교 English Academy
   웹사이트 www.theenglishacademy.us./720.412.8565

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