장소의 전치사는 말 그대로 무엇이 어디에 있는지를 알려주는 단어입니다. 일부 전치사는 명사가 다른 명사 위에 있음을 알려줍니다.
이를 표현하는 가장 흔한 전치사는 above, over, on top of가 있습니다. 이 전치사들을 이용해 문장을 만들어봅시다.

The preposition above can be used to show that a noun is above another noun.  Sometimes, the nouns can be touching, but most of the time, above is used when two nouns do not touch each other.   Look at the examples below to see how we use above.
The fan is above the oven.                        The 3rd floor is above the 2nd floor.
The picture is above the table.                   The sky is above the ocean.
We use the preposition over exactly the same way we use above.  However, there is another way we can use over.  We can show that a noun has moved or traveled above another noun.  Look at the examples below and look closely at the sentences with the verbs.
The fan is over the oven.                           He threw the ball over the building.
The picture is over the table.                     The cloud is moving over the ground.
On top of
We use the preposition on top of to show that a noun is above another noun AND it is touching it.
The milk is on top of the refrigerator.                 The pencil is on top of the desk.
The book is on top of the bookshelf.                            The child is on top of the monkey bars.

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