Joseph: 와아. 내가 실제로 플로리다에 와있다!
Mom: 그래 너는 플로리다에 있는거야.
Jane: Joseph!
Joseph: 왜 Jane?
Jane: 우리는 캐빈에서 잔다!
Joseph: 정말요 엄마?
Mom: 그래.
Dad: 그 돈이 어디서 나올까?
Mom: 보너스.
Dad: 당신 보너스 받았어?
Mom: 예.
Dad: 얼마나?
Mom: 1만 5천 달러
Dad: 와우.
Joseph: 정말요?
Mom: 그래.
Jane: 우리는 부자다!
Mom: 그래, 그렇지만 우리는 돈을 현명하게 쓸거야!
Jane: 물론이죠. 가령 매주말에 쇼핑을 하는 식으로.
Mom: 그건 현명하게 쓰는게 아니야.

Wow, I'm actually in Florida!
You are.
What's up Jane?
We're sleeping in a cabin!
Really mom?
Where did this money come from?
You've received an incentive?
How much?
Fifteen Thousand Dollars.
We're rich!
We are, but we're going to spend our money WISELY!
Of course, like go shopping every weekend.
That's not spending it wisely.

지난주 보기
Joseph: I can't wait until I go to Florida!
Prunella: You are going to Florida?!
Joseph: Yup.
Candas: Lucky!
Joseph: I know, I want to go play on the beach.
Candas: I'm not going anywhere fancy like that.
Prunella: Me neither.
Joseph: I'll get you guys a souvenir.
Prunella: Really?
Joseph: Yeah. I mean, Florida is like across the world, so it's special!
Prunella: Yes, but a souvenir?!
Candas: Sure, but make it so that it's not so expensive.
Joseph: What are you talking about Candas?
Candas: You heard me right!
Joseph: Psssh.
Lucille: Sorry, kind of overheard.
Joseph: It's Ok.
Lucille: So, you're going to Florida?
Joseph: Yeah!
Lucille: Cool.

actually: 실제로 what's up?: 무슨 일이야? incentive: 인센티브, 보너스  receive: 받다  spend: 쓰다
wisely: 현명하게 go shopping: 쇼핑 가다

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